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Our Fellowship

Our Fellowship

Strength In Unity

Kingdom Seekers International Fellowship (KSIF) is a fellowship of independent churches and ministry leaders who have joined together for mutual strength and support. Every church and ministry with KSIF remains autonomous and self-governed. The chosen leadership for KSIF is not responsible for and cannot interfere in the affairs of its individual members, but may provide counsel and guidance when counsel and guidance is requested.

We assure that God’s Word reaches the masses via the:


  • Most informed qualified chosen vessels
  • Most advance communications
  • Most advanced technology and media
  • Most current training and CE resources
  • Most rigid standards of Code of Conduct
  • Support in and of member churches, fellowships, and ministries
  • Opportunities for regular fellowship services
  • Annual meetings
  • Eduction and training programs
  • Licensing, Ordinations, and Certifications
  • Accountability to one another
  • Spiritual covering, advice and guidance
  • A partner to Pastors